FAQ Payments


Your purchase will take place in complete security as our shop uses the secure STRIPE platform.

Below are the cards accepted with Stripe:

  • Visa (credit and debit cards)
  • Mastercard (credit and debit cards)
  • American Express
  • Apple Pay/Google Pay (for customers making payment on a supported device)


After choosing the products and the shipping method/address, you will have to enter your payment details.
Once you have entered your CARD information, you will either receive a PUSH NOTIFICATION on your smartphone (i.e. an instant message from your financial institution) or a simple PIN which you will have to enter on the stripe page.
The codes and/or acceptance of the notification must take place within a few seconds in order to unlock the payment and not have the transaction fail.

PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THIS TYPE OF AUTHENTICATION “SCA” (Strong Customer Authentication), handled by STRIPE, is a European regulatory requirement aimed at reducing fraud and making online payments more secure.

Are you experiencing additional problems with the payment process? Contact us now!